Thursday, May 20, 2010

Stop Me!

17- Step away from the mall. Hide the debit card. A monster has risen in me & CANNOT be stopped! Ha! I can't stop buying stuff! I got this shirt at Vanity- I LOVE it and its a cardigan and doesn't close in the front. Especially now since my hair is short-you can see the pretty in the back!
And I got this Old Navy dress on Ebay for $10 with shipping! Love it:)

But now...unless I seriously want to live on Ramen noodles with no cable or electricity- I have got to stop shopping!


Jacquie said...

I've had that before. It's not a good thing... although, I love going to the mail box when I've gone on an eBay frenzy!!

Kayla said...

haha i feel ya girl! every spring and fall!

gv said...

Very cute items!