I was recently tagged by The Watermelon Tree!
8 Things I Look Forward To...
#1.) Watching Heros with Eric (every night... for the past two weeks. Thanks Netflix)
#2.) Pay Day/No Work Days
#3.) Going to my mom's house!
#4.) Park Days
#5.) Bedtime with all four of us piled in the bed, fighting for covers!
#6.) Taking pictures
#7.) My wedding! Ha. Or engagement.
#8.) Dessert at Chili's.
8 Things I Did Yesterday
#1.) Came home from work early because we got shut down since we had no working restrooms
#2.) Ate cinnamon toast at 2 in the morning with Eric and Brian
#3.) Watched 4 episodes of Heros
#4.) The Dishes. By hand. booo.
#5.) Gave Sam his medicine for the yeast infection in his ear.
#6.) Looked up Hiro on YouTube (muhaha- you give me ride-o?)
#7.) Went to a meeting at KFC at seven. in. the. morning.
#8.) Talked to Haley on Facebook! (Move back to me Richey!)
8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
#2.) Hire a personal trainer. To live with me.
#3.) Re-do college from my first time around.
#4.) Buy a Canon Rebel SLR
#5.) Not stress out over money.
#6.) Go to California this summer!
#7.) Adopt another dog (muhaha. but alas, I cannot afford the vet bills!)
#8.) Find the perfect pair of jeans. Which I would then wear everyday.
8 Shows I watch:
#1.) The Hills
#2.) The Office
#3.) Heros
#4.) Weeds
#5.) Anything trashy on VH1
#6.) CSI
#7.) America's Next Top Model
#8.) True Life
Those are my 8's. My turn to tag....YOU!
Come on, you know you want to!Here's the rules, just in case you want to follow them:1) Mention the name of the person who tagged you.2) Do the lists of 8.3) Tag 8 bloggers of your choice.4) Let them know that they have been tagged!
I tag:
Teresa - Kayla - Jacquie - Kara - Tamela - Jody - Jessica - Just Playing Pretend
Life Lately: Week 7
3 days ago